Humanitarian Concert »Our Song«
The charity concert took place on 25 November 2017 in Maribor, where the humanitarian organization UP-ornik raised funds for the most vulnerable citizens. »If there were fifty more people, we would have to open the balcony,« was heard in the almost filled Union Hall. The Kombinat Women's Choir were among others thankful for helping in fundraising and helping Boris Krabonja in his effort to help the most vulnerable people. In his nads was the red star, a gift from author Svetlana Makarovič. But the star of the evening was the 90-year-old activist against fascism during the second world war, Dragica Velhar, who was visibly surprised by the tribute.
Dobrodelni koncert se je zgodil 25. 11. 2017 v Mariboru, kjer je humanitarna organizacija UP-ornik zbirala sredstva za najbolj ranljive občane. »Če bi prišlo petdeset ljudi več, bi morali odpreti še balkon,« je bilo slišati v skoraj napolnjeni dvorani Union. Da so se sredstva zbrala, gre med drugim velika zahvala ženskemu pevskemu zboru Kombinat. In če je tematika večera bila rdeče obarvana, je poseben odtenek imela zvezda v rokah Borisa Krabonje, darilo Svetlane Makarovič. Med zahvalami in pozdravi, pa je vsekakor zvezda večera bila 90 letna NOB borka Dragica Velhar, ki je bila vidno presenečena nad poklonitvijo.