Festival Lent: Stand Up Fest LENT



As part of the Lent Festival, stand-up comedy took place every night from July 5 to July 10, so comedians from different parts of the world occupied Vetrinjski dvor for a few days. The program was connected by Tin Vodopivec, who warmed the audience and Boris Kobal, Vid Valic, and Klemen Mauhler opened the festival and provided with a good atmosphere.
Daniel-Ryan Spaulding (CAN) and Francesco De Carlo (ITA) provided the international atmosphere. An evening dedicated to young talents gathered 8 contesters who competed for the prestigious award, Children Champagne: Jan Kreuzer, Eva Virc, Anton Pevc, Aleš Trelc, Sašo Avramović, Rok Škrlep, Nejc Debevec, Aljoša Vizovišek. Each one had 7 minutes to win an audience. The star of the evening became Eva Virc.
Also remarkable was the performance dedicated to black humor, when Andrej Težaki, Gašper Bergant, Aleksandar Perišič and, for me, the star of the evening, Aleš Secnik, took the stage. Part of Aleš's story is related to an event 15 years ago when he experienced a ski accident and became a tetraplegic. From the neck down he was immobile, but with a strong will, this is also slowly changing. He is a member of the Slovenian Paralympic Swimming Team.
As the cherry on the cake, was the last day when Nesha Bridges (SRB), Marko Puljiz (BiH), Tin Sedlar and Tihomir Paravina (CRO) brought Yugo humor on the stage.


V sklopu Festivala Lent se je vsak večer od 5. do 10. julija odvijala stand-up komedija in tako so Vetrinjski dvor za par dni okupirali komiki iz različnih delov sveta. Program je povezoval Tin Vodopivec, ki je zagrel občinstvo Boris Kobal, Vid Valič in Klemen Mauhler so odprli festival in poskrbeli za dobro vzdušje.
Za mednarodno vzdušje sta poskrbela Daniel-Ryan Spaulding (CAN) in Francesco De Carlo (ITA).  Večer posvečen mladim talentom, ki so se borili za prestižno nagrado, otroški šampanjec, se je potegovalo 8 kandidatov, in sicer: Jan Kreuzer, Eva Virc, Anton Pevc, Aleš Trelc, Sašo Avramović, Rok Škrlep, Nejc Debevec, Aljoša Vizovišek. Vsak je imel na razpolago 7 minut, na kar je publika z glasnostjo aplavza izbrala dva, ki sta se še enkrat pomerila v humorju. Zvezda večera je tako postala Eva Virc.
Izjemen je bil tudi nastop posvečen črnemu humorju, ko so na oder stopili Andrej Težaki, Gašper Bergant, Aleksandar Perišić in zame zvezda večera, Aleš Sečnik. Del Aleševe zgodbe je povezan z dogodkom izpred 15 let, ko je doživel smučarsko nesrečo in postal tetraplegik. Od vratu dol je bil nepokreten, vendar se z močno voljo tudi to počasi spreminja. Je član slovenske plavalne paraolimpijske reprezentance.
Kot češnja na torti pa je bil zadnji dan, ko so Nesha Bridges (SRB), Marko Puljiz (BiH), Tin Sedlar in Tihomir Paravina (CRO) prinesli Yugo humor.

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