Faculty of Economics and Business: Marketing traffic light
Each year, the Marketing traffic light highlights current and relevant content needed by anyone involved in marketing, creativity, and related challenges; this time, it took us back to the future and revived the foundations on which marketing was developing and changing, while taking us through the new channels of communication and advertising. Since its first performance in 2007, there have been 70 lectures today, attended by about 3,000 visitors, and this year its 100th lecturer shared his knowledge at the conference.
The 12th Student Conference, organized by the EPF Marketing Club in collaboration with the EPF Chair of Marketing, followed the footsteps of marketing, where through the visit to the past, the knowledge of how brands were once marketed and the meaning of nostalgia for consumers was awakened. Trends in digital marketing, behavioral marketing and the importance of influencers in marketing were also presented.
Vsako leto Marketinški semafor osvetli aktualne in relevantne vsebine, ki jih potrebuje vsakdo, ki se ukvarja z marketingom, kreativnostjo in s tem povezanimi izzivi; tokrat pa nas je povedel »Nazaj v prihodnost« ter obudil temelje na katerih se je razvijal in spreminjal hkrati pa nas preko novih kanalov komuniciranja in oglaševanja povedel v prihodnost. Od svoje prve izvedbe leta 2007 se je do danes zvrstilo 70 predavanj, ki jih obiskalo približno 3.000 obiskovalcev, letos pa je svoje znanje v okviru konference delil že 100. predavatelj.
12. študentska konferenca, ki jo organizira Klub za marketing EPF v sodelovanju s Katedro za marketing EPF, je tako stopala po sledeh marketinga, kjer se je skozi obisk preteklosti obudilo znanje, kako so nekoč tržili blagovne znamke ter kakšen je pomen nostalgije pri potrošnikih. Prav tako so se predstavili trendi digitalnega marketinga, vedenjskega marketinga ter pomen influencerjev v marketingu.