Faculty of Economics and Business: 12th International week
The traditional event »International Week«, aimed at raising the profile of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Maribor and promoting intercultural academic cooperation, has been held for the twelfth year in a row. Many lectures were held as part of the event, and the 2nd International Scientific Conference »Teaching Methods for Economic and Business Sciences« being held as well.
The participants of the conference had the opportunity to listen to the invited plenary lecture delivered by prof. dr. Raul Espejo, Director of Synco Research and President of the World Organization for Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC), who introduced the case into the economic practice of an integrated learning process. The program of the conference included one plenary lecture and 29 presentations of contributions by foreign and domestic professors. Within the framework of the International Week, numerous lectures by foreign lecturers from 27 partner faculties were held, as well as activities enriched by the social program and the presentation of Maribor.
Tradicionalni dogodek »Mednarodni teden« katerega namen je povečati prepoznavnost Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete Univerze v Mariboru in spodbujati medkulturno akademsko sodelovanje je potekal že dvanajsto leto zapored. V sklopu dogodka so se zvrstila številna predavanja, potekala pa je tudi 2. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca »Metode poučevanja za ekonomske in poslovne vede«.
Udeleženci konference so imeli priložnost prisluhniti vabljenemu plenarnemu predavanju, ki ga je izvedel prof. dr. Raul Espejo, direktor Synco Research in predsednik Svetovne organizacije za sisteme in kibernetiko (WOSC), ki je predstavil primer v gospodarsko prakso vpetega učnega procesa. V okviru Mednarodnega tedna so se zvrstila številna predavanja tujih predavateljev s 27 partnerskih fakultet, prav tako pa so potekale aktivnosti popestrene še z družabnim programom in predstavitvijo Maribora.